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Join date: Jan 31, 2019


My name is Shonagh and I love Taiko! 😄

I have been a Taiko beginner for about twenty years now, after first getting bitten by the bug in school. After a number of years of playing as part of a Taiko theatre show, I co-founded Tsuchigumo Daiko with my partner Martin Doyle. Since then I have been lucky enough to study, teach and perform Taiko all over the World.

I have been lucky enough to be involved with Taikopalooza since the first festival. It is an incredible event that brings the community together - I always leave Taikopalooza with my knowledge deeper, my skills better and my heart fuller!

Shonagh Walker

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Blaubeurer Str. 41, 89143 Blaubeuren

©2024 by Taikozentrum Ulm e.V.

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